How Do I Transition from Detox to Addiction Treatment?
If you choose to attend a medically assisted detox program, it will be much easier for you to transition from withdrawal to addiction rehab. Call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) now to learn about your recovery options as well as how a certain facility will help you transition from one program to the next.
Medically Supervised Detox ≠ Addiction Treatment
As stated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “In many cases, withdrawal can be easily treated with medications to ease the symptoms, but treating withdrawal is not the same as treating addiction.”
Withdrawal occurs because a person becomes physically and/or psychologically dependent on the drug, feeling that they need it to get through the day and experiencing severe symptoms when they are unable to get it. This can occur, though, even if a person is not abusing a drug but merely taking it as prescribed.
Therefore, medically supervised detox does not cure addiction, nor does it treat it. It simply paves the way for a person to experience less severe withdrawal symptoms so they can concentrate on their addiction recovery and care.
The medical professionals who provide detoxification care understand this, so they will often want to ensure that you are able to transition to addiction treatment safely.
Your Transition from Detox to Addiction Treatment
Your doctor can help you decide if you’re ready for rehab.
According to the National Library of Medicine, “Long-term preventative treatment should begin” after the individual recovers from their withdrawal symptoms and is able to concentrate on recovery.
The doctors, nurses, counselors, volunteers, practitioners, and other individuals at your facility will help you make this transition much more easily.
- When you begin to feel that the symptoms of your withdrawal are starting to subside, say so. It is important that your doctor stays informed of your condition so your treatment program can be modified to fit your changing needs.
- Your doctor may decide that you are getting better and are almost ready for addiction rehab. A few people may be consulted once you and your doctor agree on this, including:
- Your personal physician or any other medical professional who cares for you
- Your counselor(s)
- Your family members
- Once it has been decided that you are ready for rehab, your doctor will make the necessary changes to your treatment program, weaning you off or slowly switching your medication and scheduling you to begin more treatment methods that are specifically geared toward your addiction recovery.
Choose Medically Assisted Detox as the First Step
When you choose medically assisted detox as the first step of your recovery, the transition from withdrawal to addiction treatment is much easier and safer, as you will be assisted every step of the way by healthcare professionals.
Once you are stable and your withdrawal symptoms are no longer causing you severe issues, you can begin the less complicated transition into addiction treatment and your recovery can truly start.
Call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) now to find rehab centers where you can withdraw from and be treated for addiction any substance of abuse. We can help you find the right program for your specific needs as well.