7 Ways to Know Your Loved One is Suffering from Opioid Withdrawal
If you suspect that your loved one is suffering from opioid withdrawal, look for the signs below, and call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) now to find detox centers where they can recover safely and begin addiction treatment.
1. Flu-like Symptoms
According to the National Library of Medicine, several of the symptoms of opioid withdrawal can come together to resemble the flu, including:
- Runny nose
- Sweating
- Sleep problems
- Abdominal cramps
- Goose bumps
- Chills and hot flashes
- Fever
If your loved one has been taking opioids and suddenly and mysteriously seems to come down with a case of the flu, it is very possible they are suffering from withdrawal.
2. Unexplained Pain

Flu-like symptoms are common during opioid withdrawal.
One of the most uncomfortable and common symptoms of opioid withdrawal is pain in the muscles, bones, and joints. The individual who experiences this pain will likely have no explanation for it, but it can often be unbearable, requiring treatment in a professional detox center with medications.
3. Dilated pupils
As stated by the Drug Enforcement Administration, “Constriction of the pupils” is a sign of opioid intoxication.
As a result, when someone goes through withdrawal, their pupils will dilate. Especially if this is uncommon in your loved one, dilated pupils could be a strong sign of withdrawal.
4. Insomnia
Opioid withdrawal often makes it very difficult for a person to sleep, as they will become restless and uncomfortable often. This occurs because opioids have an effect that causes drowsiness, and once the individual is no longer on these drugs, they may have a very hard time falling asleep. The individual may also have bad dreams or wake suddenly in pain.
5. Anxiety
Anxiety is a common side effect of opioid withdrawal. The individual will often feel very anxious if they cannot use the drug and will become upset or possibly even fearful. Especially if you have never seen this kind of behavior in your loved one, it is likely they are experiencing anxiety induced by opioid withdrawal.
Which Withdrawal Syndromes Require Medically Supervised Detox?
6. Depression
Depression also occurs with the cessation of opioid abuse. These drugs cause euphoria when taken in high doses, and those who abuse them will often experience the opposite effect when their body is no longer able to receive more of the drug.
It is extremely important that you get your loved one to treatment if they are showing signs of depression, as they could develop suicidal thoughts.
7. Gastrointestinal Issues
Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are all late-stage signs of withdrawal. Your loved one could possibly become dehydrated from these effects so it is important to ensure they receive professional medical attention right away.
Seek Detox Treatment for Your Loved One Now
Opioid abuse is dangerous, but even if your loved one was taking their medication exactly as prescribed, they could still experience the severe effects of withdrawal. Therefore, detox treatment is always necessary.
Call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) now to find a facility where your loved ones needs can be met, and they can safely overcome the symptoms of opioid withdrawal.