How Severe is Cocaine Withdrawal?
Cocaine withdrawal is one of the most severe withdrawal syndromes currently known to medicine. It is absolutely necessary for one to seek professional detox treatment for the abuse of cocaine. Call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) to find detox centers where you can begin your recovery from substance abuse in the safest way possible.
The History of Cocaine Withdrawal
According to the National Library of Medicine, “In the past, people underestimated how addictive cocaine can be.” This is because the drug does not cause intense, physical withdrawal symptoms, unlike the severe shaking associated with alcohol abuse or the obvious flu-like symptoms caused by opioid withdrawal. Instead, cocaine causes mostly psychological withdrawal symptoms, including:
- Agitation
- Restlessness
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Cravings
- Suicidal thoughts
- Discomfort
- Increased appetite
- Irritability
- Nightmares or vivid dreams
- Slowing of activity
- Anhedonia, or the inability to feel pleasure
These side effects are difficult for individuals other than the one experiencing them to detect because they are not physical and not as obvious as those associated with other substances. Unfortunately because of this, cocaine abuse was thought to be more harmless and addiction to the drug to be impossible.
Now, we understand cocaine to be an extremely addictive drug as well as able to cause one of the most severe withdrawal syndromes associated with any substance of abuse.
Cocaine Withdrawal and Its Severity
In the beginning of withdrawal, cravings for cocaine are extremely intense. The other symptoms that occur around this period are uncomfortable and sometimes even dangerous as well, but over a period of a few weeks, they will begin to subside. The cravings and depression, however, often do not.
According to the US Department of Veteran Affairs, these two effects can last months or even years after one’s last use of the drug, “such that objects and people in the addicted person’s life can become a conditioned rigger for craving and relapse.” Irritability and other symptoms may linger as well.
The symptoms caused by cocaine withdrawal––along with the length of time they can generally last––makes this syndrome extremely severe, but what causes it to become even more problematic is that others usually cannot tell how intense it has become and must rely on the addict to find out.
This makes cocaine withdrawal not only intense but also very dangerous. Therefore, professional medical rehab is absolutely necessary during this point of recovery, and you should absolutely seek treatment for yourself or a loved one who is experiencing this issue.
Seek Cocaine Detox Now
Your safe and speedy recovery will begin with cocaine detox, which will help protect you from the severe symptoms associated with this syndrome. Once you begin to heal from them and your symptoms subside somewhat, you can begin long-term addiction treatment to make a real and lasting change in your life.
Put an end to your cocaine abuse now. Call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) to find safe, reliable detox and rehab centers where you can withdraw from cocaine and learn better behaviors that will allow you to avoid relapse and create a strong recovery.