Can I Withdraw from Cocaine at Home?
It is not safe to attempt to withdraw from cocaine at home. This syndrome can cause a number of severe side effects that require professional detox treatment. Call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) now to find rehab centers where you can safely withdraw from cocaine.
Cocaine Withdrawal and Its Symptoms
The symptoms associated with cocaine withdrawal are some of the most severe long lasting associated with any type of withdrawal syndrome. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, withdrawal symptoms caused by stimulant abuse include:
- Depression
- Sleep disturbances or strange sleep patterns
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Poor concentration
- A slowing of activity and movements
- Paranoia
- Drug craving
Some of these symptoms will subside after a week or two, but the depression, irritability, and cravings associated with this syndrome are likely to last for months, possibly even years. A person may even experience severe cravings for cocaine years after their last use of the drug, making the necessity for professional detox treatment extremely important.
In addition, you may experience severe side effects related to the depression caused by cocaine withdrawal, including suicidal thoughts.
If you attempt to withdraw at home, you will not always be aware of the symptoms of this dangerous effect, leaving you in a situation that could become deadly. As such, it is always important to attend professional detox for any kind of withdrawal syndrome, but especially for cocaine withdrawal.
Professional Detox and Relapse Prevention
According to the National Library of Medicine, “Cocaine addiction is difficult to treat, and relapse can occur.” But a person is much more likely to relapse back to drug abuse if they do not attend addiction treatment at all.
Usually in the case of cocaine users, this begins with professional detox. Those who detox at home are often much less likely to attend addiction treatment afterwards, which can be incredibly risky.
If a person is able to get through the early symptoms of withdrawal on their own, they often become convinced they are no longer addicted to the drug, an assertion that is dangerously untrue.
Those in this situation often do not attend addiction treatment and will not realize there is a strong likelihood that their addiction, along with their symptoms of depression and cravings, is still present.
Over time, the individual is much more likely to relapse than if they had attended detox at a treatment center, as this program would have helped them directly transition into addiction rehab.
It is very dangerous to attempt to withdrawal from cocaine abuse at home, especially because the drug’s illicit nature means those who become dependent on it are usually addicted as well. You should absolutely attend withdrawal in a safe, reliable detox center where professional healthcare providers can attend to your needs.
Let Us Help You Find Treatment
Call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) now to find detox programs where you can withdraw from cocaine and safely transition into addiction treatment. We will help you find a program that caters to your needs as well as ensures your safety from the side effects of cocaine abuse, withdrawal, and addiction.