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Lorazepam Withdrawal: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment & Recovery

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Lorazepam is the clinical name for the brand of drug called Ativan which is commonly used to reduce anxiety. Sadly, this drug is highly addictive and long term use can lead to Lorazepam withdrawal which requires professional treatment in order to recover. If you or a loved one is addicted to Ativan, seek help by calling our helpline at 888-602-1971(Who Answers?).

Those who have a history of addictive disorders such as alcoholism are at a greater risk of becoming addicted to Lorazepam and should seek prompt medical treatment prior to taking this drug. If already under the influence of Ativan, it’s important to consider the risks of Ativan withdrawal and what this means for you as a patient.

What is Ativan Withdrawal?

Withdrawal of any sort is the body’s function of telling you that it “needs” or “wants” something to survive. After using a drug like Lorazepam for a prolonged period of time, your body adjusts to the chemical changes that are created by the medication and becomes “accustomed” or “used” to these changes. If you take the drug away, the body reacts violently by issuing an overload of chemicals to counteract or make up for the lack of the synthetic medications that it is accustomed to having—this is withdrawal.

Ativan withdrawal will begin with cravings for the drug and increased anxiety. As symptoms heighten they also become worse and may include tremors, seizures, coma or death. This is why it’s so vital to seek an Ativan detox program if you’ve been taking Ativan regularly for a period of 4 months or more, or if you have been taking high doses of this drug for 30 days or more.

Medically assisted detox can make withdrawal safer, and more comfortable for the user. If you or a loved one is struggling with Lorazepam addiction and you’ve decided to quit, consider calling our helpline to learn more about the treatment options available to you can make overcoming addiction an easier and more comfortable process. Call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) to speak with a live operator anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Symptoms of Lorazepam Withdrawal

If you’re under a doctor’s care and have been taking Ativan either as prescribed or as part of a larger role in addiction, it’s like that the doctor will have you taper the drug off slowly so that your body doesn’t react in a huge way by resorting to withdrawal. Tapering can take weeks or even months to complete depending on how high your dose is because the dose is gradually reduced for a up to a week at a time before another reduction takes place.

It is NOT advisable to quit taking Ativan “cold turkey” as this could be potentially deadly leading the body into immediate withdrawal that could cause seizures and other complications. If you’re considering a change and you WANT to quit, call our helpline to find a medically assisted detox center that’s right for you. Our phone number is 888-602-1971(Who Answers?).

There are generally two stages of withdrawal for benzodiazepines like Lorazepam or Valium or Xanax. These stages include acute withdrawal (the early stage) and protracted withdrawal (the stage that remains hidden until you least expect it) both are problematic without professional help.

Acute Withdrawal symptoms include:

Lorazepam Withdrawal

Strong cravings and irritability are common Lorazepam withdrawal symptoms.

  • Strong cravings for the drug
  • Inability to sleep, suffering from insomnia
  • Strong irritability and difficulty controlling one’s actions
  • Tremors, seizures and shaking
  • Trouble concentrating and memory loss or confusion
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Stomach ache and abdominal cramps
  • Headaches and mood swings
  • Muscle aches, pain, stiffness or spasms
  • Anxiety that is MUCH worse than before
  • Heightened blood pressure or in rare cases a significant drop in blood pressure
  • Heightened or rapid heart beat
  • Severe panic attacks and psychosis
  • Weight loss

After these symptoms tend to dissipate and you are feeling physically a bit better, protracted withdrawal symptoms also known as post-acute withdrawal symptoms begin to set in. These are generally more psychological in nature and may include:

  • Heightened fear and anxiety
  • Feeling depressed or dysphoric
  • Having strong, continued cravings for the drug
  • Troubles sleeping including insomnia, or nightmares
  • Trouble concentrating and remembering things
  • Lack of interest and an overall lack of taking initiative mostly as a result of depression
  • Feeling tired or lethargic all the time
  • Suffering from OCD or obsessive tendencies

If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms of Lorazepam withdrawal, call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) for immediate help. We can get you through the process of recovery and on track to a path that’s healthy and happy for you.

How Long Does Lorazepam Withdrawal Last?

Much like other drugs, the length of time that you will spend in a period of withdrawal is largely dependent on the length of time that you used the drug as well as the methods that are used to safely detox from the drug. If you’ve been addicted to Ativan for a very long time, there’s a good chance that withdrawal and the entire detox process will take a few months or more to complete in a SAFE manner.

This means, slowly tapering the dose so that you experience the least amount of discomfort and then when the dose is low enough to reduce completely, eliminating it from your daily routine. Acute withdrawal begins as soon as 10 hours after you take your last dose of the drug. Symptoms of acute withdrawal will generally peek around the first week and can last for about two weeks time.

Full blown, the worst of the worst, withdrawal from Lorazepam generally lasts for a period of 10-14 days but this time can vary from one person to the next so it’s important that you NEVER compare your recovery to that of someone else.

It’s unclear just how long the symptoms of post-acute or protracted withdrawal to Ativan can take. Some say it lasts for just a few months, others report symptoms for up to two years following their complete discontinuation of the drug. This is why it’s so important to seek professional counseling as part of your treatment regimen when you decide to quit taking Lorazepam and get on the right path – because you will need counseling to help you prevent a period of relapse.

Anxious, Irritable and Overwhelmed: How to Survive Benzo Withdrawal

Lorazepam Detox

If you’re addicted to Ativan or any other benzodiazepine such as Valium or Xanax, it’s  important to seek prompt medical attention in order to safely quit. Medically-assisted detox is the safest option that you have for recovery from this type of condition.

Symptoms of withdrawal make it hardest to quit. But these symptoms can be combated and overcome in a medically assisted detox program. It’s also safer for you to quit under the control of a physician than it is if you were to seek the help of a friend or family member who is unable to monitor vitals and KNOW immediately when something is about to go wrong.

Lorazepam detox will almost always begin with a gradual tapering of the dose. As such, it’s hard to say how long the process will take because the tapering process will take longer for those on a higher dose than it does for someone on a lower dose. Likewise, during detox a doctor may provide another benzodiazepine with a longer half-life to help the individual feel comfortable while the Ativan is eliminated from daily use. Keep in mind that this entire process, in order to be safe, can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

Finding an Ativan Detox Center

Treating Ativan withdrawal is a challenge, but it’s not impossible. You’ll feel so much better once you get into treatment and begin the process and journey of recovery. Finding a detox center that can help you with Lorazepam withdrawal is your next step.

Here’s what you should look for:

  • A low patient to staff ratio
  • A location that’s far enough from home to get you away from everyday people and places that trigger your substance abuse (at least until you are strong enough to cope with those triggers)
  • A program that provides around-the-clock care and medical support
  • A treatment option that is affordable to you (don’t forget to check your insurance)
  • Inpatient care so that you KNOW you are safe during the recovery process.

If you need help finding a detox center that will also teach you the skills needed for lifelong recovery from Ativan addiction, call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) to talk with our helpline operators. Our helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support you. We can help you find a treatment program that includes medically assisted detox, around-the-clock support, and the definitive care that you need when you need it the most.

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