Diazepam Withdrawal: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment and Recovery Options
What is diazepam and why does it make people feel so terrible when they try to quit using it? This is a common question asked by those who find themselves struggling with an addiction to diazepam, otherwise known more widely as Valium.
Diazepam is a medication commonly prescribed to patients and animals for the treatment of anxiety, trauma, panic attacks, muscle spasms, and seizure disorder. Considered a Schedule IV substance according to the DEA, Valium has a mild risk of abuse or misuse yet many find themselves struggling with an addiction to this benzodiazepine that’s both hard to beat and hard to live with.
Withdrawal from diazepam occurs when too much of the drug is taken for too long and then an abrupt change in medication status occurs. Symptoms of diazepam withdrawal can be painful, dangerous, and even deadly if left untreated. If you or someone you care about is addicted to diazepam, it’s important that you seek prompt professional treatment by calling 888-602-1971(Who Answers?).
Signs of Diazepam Withdrawal
If you’ve been taking Valium for a period longer than a couple of weeks, there’s a good chance you’ll feel strong symptoms of withdrawal if you were to abruptly limit or reduce your dose. Signs of withdrawal to valium may include:
- Unusual behavior
- Seeking Valium to feel better
- Attempting to refill prescriptions when they aren’t ready
- Inability to function
- Acting irrationally
- Acting mean, or without care towards those who are important to you
As a loved one to a Valium addict, it’s important to pay close attention to the signs of an addiction and subsequent withdrawal should the addict stop taking the medication. Failure to seek professional help with withdrawing from diazepam can lead to serious injury or death.
Call our helpline 24 ours a day, 7 days a week for supportive care and treatment options for diazepam withdrawal. We’ll help you find a detox center that’s right for you, just call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?).
Diazepam Withdrawal Symptoms
Withdrawal symptoms from Valium can be difficult to cope with and equally difficult to control. In fact, most users cite the symptoms of withdrawal as the primary reason for them to return back to their habit of substance abuse despite a desire to come clean.
Not only are Valium withdrawal symptoms scary, they can be life-threatening if left untreated. If you were taking diazepam for panic attacks, failure to take the medication could lead to heightened attacks and an overall sense of anxiety that is higher than usual. If you took Valium to heed off feelings of depression, loss or PTSD, your decision to stop taking the drug can lead to heightened feelings of “losing control” or being unable to control your ability to cope with your PTSD symptoms.
Many of the above scenarios could lead to suicidal thoughts or tendencies that require immediate attention. If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction like this and needs help, call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) today to be connected to a treatment advisor that can place you into a qualified detox program that will treat Valium withdrawal. If you’re feeling suicidal, or you believe that a loved one may be suicidal as a result of his or her condition, call 911 IMMEDIATELY.
Symptoms of Valium withdrawal include:

Heightened anxiety and emotional changes are common diazepam Withdrawal symptoms.
- Heightened anxiety
- Recurrence of anxiety
- Anxiety rebounding
- Feelings of fear or apprehension
- Inability to sleep, trouble falling asleep or insomnia
- Buzzing or ringing in the ears
- Emotional changes including a pessimistic attitude and lack of optimism
- Nausea or vomiting
These are the changes that are most commonly noticed when valium withdrawal first begins. Medically, there are symptoms such as:
- Tension and muscle spasms
- Increased heartbeat or heightened blood pressure
- Restlessness and RLS
- Seizures
- Hallucinations
- Tremors
- Psychosis
These symptoms of Valium withdrawal are not only uncomfortable, but they could be deadly if left untreated. It’s important to seek professional medical detox if you’ve been taking Valium or diazepam for a long time and plan on quitting. Failure to seek professional help could be deadly as symptoms of withdrawal often come very sporadic and unexpectedly.
Treatment Options for Diazepam Addiction
The first line of treatment for diazepam withdrawal is detox. A supervised detoxification program will help you to overcome your physical dependence on the drug and prepare for the long-term treatment and recovery options that are vital to your health and healing.
Here’s what diazepam detox is generally like:
- You begin with a call for help at 888-602-1971(Who Answers?).
- You are placed in a medically controlled detox center.
- During detox you are monitored for your safety and for your comfort.
- It’s important to remain fully honest with your treatment staff in order to receive the best possible care.
- You’ll receive medication to help reduce stomach upset, irritability, risk of seizure and other symptoms associated with the withdrawal process.
- You’ll progress through the detox process for a period of up to 21 days before being transferred into a treatment program.
Diazepam addiction treatment begins after symptoms of Valium withdrawal have been appropriately dealt with. You must be physically stable before you can begin to receive care for the addiction itself. This care will include a combination of medical and psychological support and assistance.
People who struggle with addiction to diazepam are not alone—YOU are not alone. In fact, millions of people are struggling with addiction every single day. There is a way you can free yourself from this struggle and get your life back on track—professional treatment is available and recovery starts when you call our helpline at 888-602-1971(Who Answers?).
How Long Does Treatment for Withdrawal and Addiction Take?
Your time spent in diazepam detox will depend on the following factors:
- The severity of your addiction
- How long you’ve been addicted
- How much you use
- How frequently you use
- Your commitment to getting sober
Don’t let the length of someone else’s treatment determine how long YOU should be in treatment. Every case is different much like we are all different people.
Treatment, after detox, will generally last 30-90 days in a residential setting followed by an equal length of time or more in outpatient care. During this time you will receive:
- Counseling
- Behavioral therapy
- Support
- Medical intervention
- Physical care
- Psychological care
- Aftercare
The length of time that you will spend in treatment for your addiction depends similarly on the factors that determined how long you spent in detox. Your age, level of addiction, involvement in treatment, and whether or not you’ve been in rehab before can help to influence the recovery process. Stay focused and honest during this time of your life (both with yourself and with your recovery team) and you’ll succeed.
Recovering from Diazepam Addiction
Recovery from any addiction is a HUGE accomplishment. It’s a new lifestyle, a new way of living. You didn’t become addicted to diazepam overnight, so you can’t expect symptoms of withdrawal or addiction to magically disappear overnight without any hard work. It takes effort to get sober—but you CAN do it.
Call our helpline at 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) to be connected with support specialists that can point you in the right direction. In order for long term recovery from Valium to occur, you’ll have to take an active role in your healing process.
Recovery begins with a phone call, but it doesn’t’ end until you have successfully made your way through detox, inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, support groups and a long-term of drug free living. It sounds like a lot—because it is—but you’re worth it.
Where Can I Find a Diazepam Withdrawal Detox Program?
Your first step in finding detox that’s right for you is to call our helpline at 888-602-1971(Who Answers?).
After that phone call you’ll feel generally better about your current situation. You’ll feel in control of your recovery and that’s really the first step towards the confidence that you need to do well. Detox for Valium will set the stage of recovery both from your addiction and from any underlying anxiety disorders that may have led to your addiction. It’s important that you are ALWAYS honest with your intake and professional treatment staff so that they can provide the best possible care for you.
Studies recommend treatment that is generally outside of your comfort zone unless you are seeking an outpatient program of care. What this means is that your best chance for healing comes from seeking a valium detox program that is located outside your hometown. This allows you to focus on healing without the thoughts or underlying triggers being so close to you that your recovery is at risk.
Programs of care are found nationwide. Each of these offers counseling and therapy that will help you to work through the symptoms of your addiction and learn how to effectively cope with stress and anxiety without the use of this medication. The goal of any addiction treatment program is to help people who are struggling with substance abuse issues to learn how to survive their “issues” without the use of drugs or alcohol.
Find a diazepam withdrawal treatment program that’s right for you by calling our helpline today at 888-602-1971(Who Answers?). Don’t be afraid to take this HUGE first step—it’s a healing process that begins for you TODAY.