Who Is Most Likely to Experience Delirium Tremens?
Delirium tremens is the most dangerous form of alcohol withdrawal. But who is likely to experience this syndrome, and should you be concerned that it may affect you? Call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) now to find the best rehab programs available and to be matched with the center that can provide the help you need.
What Is Delirium Tremens and How Can I Recognize It?
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, delirium tremens, also called the DTs, is “the most intense and serious syndrome associated with alcohol withdrawal.” It can be recognized by certain symptoms that do not usually affect someone going through a milder form of withdrawal. These include:

Severe agitation and disorientation are symptoms of delirium tremens.
- Severe agitation
- Tremor
- Disorientation
- Persistent hallucinations
- Large increase in heart and breathing rate
- Severe increase in blood pressure and pulse
- Seizures
- Fear
- Mania
- Stupor
The symptoms of delirium tremens usually occur somewhere between the first 12 hours and the first 2 days after someone’s last drink. However, an individual can also experience them, suddenly and without warning, 7 to 10 days after their last drink. Because the symptoms of this syndrome are so dangerous––and can even become deadly––it is not only important to know if you are likely to experience them but to be treated accordingly if this could be a possible danger for you.
Who Is Most Likely to Experience Delirium Tremens?
The National Library of Medicine states, delirium tremens “is most common in people who have a history of alcohol withdrawal.” If you have ever experienced this syndrome before, your chances of coming up against even more severe withdrawal symptoms become more likely. However, there are a number of other individuals who are vulnerable to the possibility of experiencing this syndrome.
- People who drink “4 to 5 pints of wine, 7 to 8 pints of beer, or 1 pint of ‘hard’ alcohol every day for several months” are extremely likely to withdraw from this substance with the more dangerous symptoms of delirium tremens. This is because these are large amounts of alcohol for a person to consume, and one who does so is causing their body to become dependent on the substance. The body, in this case, will be extremely dependent, making the withdrawal symptoms more intense.
- A person with an infection who also uses alcohol heavily will be more likely to experience this syndrome. This is because other vulnerabilities in the body will make the individual more susceptible to this condition. Illness and head injury can also increase one’s chances of undergoing delirium tremens.
- Those who have been drinking for more than 10 years are more likely to experience this disorder than those who have not. While both individuals could experience withdrawal as a result of dependence and alcoholism, the former is more likely to have more severe symptoms because their body is so used to the repetition of consuming alcohol.
- Those who stop after drinking heavily the night before might experience a shortened version of delirium tremens, even if they are not alcoholics. This occurs more often when the individual has not eaten enough food to balance out the alcohol they have consumed. While it is not always as severe as most cases of delirium tremens, it is still important to seek help if you think your symptoms are becoming dangerous.
Individuals who drink a lot and do so consistently are almost always more likely to experience delirium tremens than those who don’t. However, there is a possibility that another circumstance can increase a person’s chances of being struck with this syndrome. This is why it is so important to seek not only the help of a professional medical program for alcohol abuse and addiction but also the right program for your needs.
How Do I Find Help for Delirium Tremens and Alcoholism?
If there is a chance you might experience delirium tremens during your withdrawal from alcohol, it is often safer to choose an inpatient or residential rehab program where your condition can be monitored 24/7. But many other aspects of your situation and addiction will also inform the type of treatment program you will need. Call 888-602-1971(Who Answers?) today and let us help you find the right rehab and detox center for your safe and effective recovery.