Withdrawal.org / Verified Treatment Providers
Verified Treatment Providers
Call 888-602-1971 to speak with an addiction treatment counselor.
Who Answers?
Verified treatment providers are licensed drug rehab facilities that have gone through the verification process to ensure they are a quality and accredited treatment center.
How Verification Works
All verified treatment providers work with the Withdrawal.org team to ensure all information is accurate and up to date. There could be a small fee associated with this process to cover the cost of the Withdrawal.org team’s rigorous efforts to provide the most accurate information for each center:
- Withdrawal.org team has interviewed a representative of the provider to ensure accuracy
- The provider has shown proof of licensure within operating states
- The provider has undergone a manual inspection process from the Withdrawal.org team and has provided any requested documentation needed to complete the inspection
- As well as performance reviews to ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date
If you are interested in verifying your treatment facility, please fill out the form here. Benefits of becoming a verified treatment provider include:
- Providing the most accurate information about your facility for people looking for your services
- Guarantee inclusion in the site for the city and state you are located in
- Improved visibility on Withdrawal.org with badge
- Potentially improve trust between those seeking treatment in a location with a verified treatment provider due to an increase in information quantity and quality